Add Years To Your Life & Life To Your Years (English-Printed Edition)


$ 5.95

Contains 50 pages

 No matter how successful you are in other areas of your life, you won’t enjoy your success with poor health. Maintaining good health and preventing or delaying the onset of physical problems should be the most important goal as you mature. Some diseases are more common as you age. The good news is that most of these diseases can be prevented or delayed. Eventually, death is non-negotiable.

However, when you die, what you die of, and in what condition, depends to a very great extent on how you choose to live from this moment on. Lifestyle choices are totally under the control of the individual. The problem is that many people are unaware of the risks involved in their current lifestyle.

The goal of this book is to identify those most damaging to your health and give ideas for modification. You will learn some amazing new discoveries on how to have a healthier longer life. This book can truly add years to your life and life to your years!

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